Saturday, May 7, 2011


After three years of my life, it finally happened.

Yup, that's me. GRADUATING. And that's L, my soon-to-be hubster.
I even graduated with honors! My BS degree is complete!

I feel like today was a complete blur; everything happened so quickly! It was a lot of walking, loud people, flashing lights, standing, sitting, pose here, walk faster, shake this man's hand, pose, pose, pose, grab the diploma holder and get back to your seat, just in time to stand and "sing" the alma mater and file out of the arena.

I still feel like it didn't happened--a dream!

Is this how quickly the wedding will go by? Is there some button I can push to slow everything down?
Oh, yeah, did I mention L and me are getting married in FORTY-SEVEN DAYS?!? So many exciting things happening in such a short time span. I love the excitement :)

And I got to come home to this little darling:

All in all, a good day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Day in the Life

I'm not used to posting on here yet.
It's been, what, a week? I forgot I had a blog, I've been so busy with life.

Ahh, life. School, school, and planning a wedding. Yes! Have I mentioned I am getting married in 4 months?
There are so many little things to do and plan and prepare for when planning a wedding. It's nerve-wracking. I keep thinking I'm forgetting something, and that gives me nightmares at night. I mean, should I go ahead and schedule my dress fitting? What if I forget? Or if I don't finalize the flowers? Or the music? Or the cake? Or the food?!

See my point? So.Many.Things.

But, it will be totally worth it. L is the luckiest man alive (if I do say so myself!) and I am pretty lucky myself. He is honorable and sweet, and ready to rock into this family life that we want for ourselves. Kids? He says as many as I want. I say 4. At least. It'll be a full house with us!

Well, technically we already have two babies. Furbabies, that is. My precious darling Sir Emmett, our one year old Yorkie that is as hyper as he was when we got him at four months, and our itty bitty dainty bengal cat, Charlotte. I like calling her a bengal, whether or not she is. She is a gray/brown (more gray) with yellow eyes and black stripes, black circles, and black feet. She is unique, and likes to nibble noses and ears. Both our babies are snugglers--Charlotte enjoys curling up on your chest, and Emmett likes your lap. Both are fully grown--Emmett at a whopping 6 pounds, and Charlotte maybe breaking 5. So dainty! They carry on conversations with each other, and snuggle, and play. Emmett annoys her, and when she has had enough, Charlotte boxes his ears and runs away. Sometimes I swear I can hear her cackling (we all know she tricks him into biting her, and then she gives him hell for it!) as she runs away.

Um... what else is going on in my life? My dad is sick, has been for the past four or five years at least. It would take an entire entry to list the things wrong with him, so let's just settle for the big ones: polycythemia vera, leukemia, heart problems...

It's been hard, but it has been worse than this. Let's not get into that now.

So, today was busy. LOTS of schoolwork--I'm graduating in like, 80 days-- so all this "final" stuff is piling up, and there is no part of me that wants to work on ANYTHING. Due dates are creeping up, so I really need to buckle down and get going. I mean, nothing I can't handle, I just don't feel like it!

Oh well. Such is life.

I know this is a random post, but just get used to it. I normally don't make any sense.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Head Cold City

I am sick.
It is a head-pounding-body-aching-so-bad-my-fingers-are-curling pain. I have overdosed on DayQuil and have used up two tissue boxes in as many days. The heating pad on the back of my neck has been there so long, my skin is starting to grow immunity to the much-needed heat.
If only they had tiny heating pads that fit on the bridge of your nose. Maybe I should look into that.

Not only am I sick, but I have a test to take today.
A hard, difficult, 15 pages of study material to look over in four hours, when all I feel like doing is rolling over and pulling the covers over my head. Ugh.

I am using my blog as an escape from studying for this test. I have developed an apathy towards schoolwork, due to my impending graduation, and being sick is just making it harder to concentrate.

Head colds blow.